Thursday, June 4, 2009


Hiya. I overslept this morning, so i couldn't go to school cos my mom wasn't home. I woke up two hours ago at 12 something. Haha, apparently, i was unwakable. Hahaha.
Anyways, yay! i can't wait to go to Aquaria tomorrow. AGAIN. It would be my 4th time going there. Haha, i dunno why but i just have the urge to GO. and i CAN'T believe that I'm gonna be watching HANNAH MONTANA : The Movie. HAHA, cos it's either THAT or 17 Again and yea apparently 17 Again sucks! SO i'm hoping Hannah Montana won't be lame. Lolness.
Anyways, tata for now.
BTW, i have NO credit on my phone so your messages will not be replied. SORRY!