Sunday, June 28, 2009

You've missed me haven't you?

Credits to Joycelyn who created my header.

For every 99 times you looked me in the eye. You looked me in the eye and swore you weren't lying. - KATE VOEGELE'S 99 TIMES-

I don't want to take the stupid cervical cancer jab. I'd rather get it and die. It's not only ONE jab. It's THREE JABS EVERY MONTH. I've been putting up a big fuss about not getting it but, i'm going to have to be JABBED on TUESDAY :'(. So every time i come back to Malaysia, i'm going to be injected with stupid medicine. I HATE JABS! I HATE THEM!!!!! It's not that i'm scared of them, it's the THOUGHT OF A NEEDLE BEING POKED THROUGH YOU and what if the needle broke? My imagination can go outta control therefore i hate jabs. The Tetanus jab topped my DUMBEST JAB LIST THIS YEAR, and the MOST NUMB jab ever. It can also go on the I HATE YOU LIST!

On Thurday, my dental appointment, YAY! I love the dentist!

Hey, i found the long lost camera that has been missing for months ..... Correction, my MOM found it. In a place where i so do not remember leaving it.

I got home at 9.00 pm after Korean food at Amcorp after a nice foot massage after spending the whole day at the Curve.

I got this really smexy dress from Nichii. So worth my mom's money. Ohhhh, the NICHII there is like another new WORLD, it so tops Tropicana City. AND the sale. Oh might i say that FOS has super nice cute shirts? FOR GUYS TOO!

Thanks Shan and David who temaned me the whole day because my friends *cough*ShIVVY*COUGH*LIZ*COUGH COUGHS* couldn't *cough*ditched*Me*COUGH* make it :]

I wish there was a Supanova. I know it's dorky but i think it's uber cool. I love Battlestar Galactica.

You know what's a joke? TWILIGHT. You know what else is a joke? MEGAN FOX.
People in the cinema ACTUALLY CLAPPED when MEGAN FOX BENT DOWN. Dot dot dot. Ew much? I know, how sad. The opposite sex are blinded by her hotness only not to see how lousy her acting is. Don't you agree with me? >>> This is specially broadcasted to all the gals out there.

Goodnight world! x

P/s > to Joy : Since when do you end your posts with Au Revoir (love) hmm?