Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Going to end soon.

Anyways, the internet is back in action.
I can't believe HBO pushed True Blood one week ahead. It's so annoying.
Oh, hey i love this joke. I got this while watching one of Nat's (Community Channel frm Youtube) video. It's hilarious.

On a bus, two men with really strong accents start a conversation. The lady next to them eavesdrops.

" Emma come first. Den i come. Den two esses acoma together. I come once-more. Two esses, they comma together again. I come again and pee twice. Then i come one lasta time. "

" You dirty-mouth pigs! In this country we don't talk about our dirty sex lives in public! " the lady exclaims.

" Hey, what-sa matter for you?", says the man, " I'm justa tellin' my friends how to spell 'Mississipi'.

Oh i may have AHINI! (A H1N1, I call it that so whatev!). I spent the whole day with my cuz from Aussie and her MOM is actually sick now. So if she had it means she would have have passed it to me and my whole family so stay away from me!

Check out this cool gun my uber lame brother got for his birthday. Might i say, so cool? Worth 150 bucks? I don't think so.

Lit Night! NEXT FRIDAY! 17th July! 7.30-10.30 pm! Friday! Dewan Sister Enda!

Oh. Who watched the Strangers last Sunday? Wasn't it SCARY?
