Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I haven't been putting much effort here have I?

Life is SLOW.

but we can't do anything about it ........
can we?
Don't ask me whether i like Hong Kong. Don't.
And i don't hate Hong Kong.
I've only been here for a month,
& i've barely explored the streets and everywhere else.
Come on, give me a chance.
Gee, hardly anyone's online anymore. Well, you all probably have a good reason for that. PMR! =O Keep up the studying and everything! You can still come online you know, just for a while? To relax your stressed minds. Just wanted to wish you all back in Malaysia:
;all the best ya'll. YOU CAN DO THIS THING! When you step into the exam hall, make sure you shout ' BRING IT ON MAN!!!'
I was kinda planning to that. Hahaha. I know it's like less than a month to it so GOODDD LUCKKKK.
P/s : I put some hard work in this post. APPRECIATE for it is the last of it's kind :D
P/p/s : This whole thing is pink so it can match my blog.