Saturday, August 29, 2009

Without the tv shows, my life would suck.

Nicole Fong just watched Step Up 2.... AGAIN. Today has been a VERY productive day. NOT; How I met Your Mother, Wizards of Waverly Place movie, True Blood, .... been at home the whole day, WOW i am ONE sad person.

Might i elaborate more on that? Well, now i'm watching Jumper. Hayden Christansen ........... ahhh yummy. My day has been so entertaining! No like seriously, it has. So what if i stayed at home the whole day, in front of the computer slash tv (plans ruined by brother and sister.)

How I Met Your Mother : Barney - When I get sad, i stop being sad and become awesome ......... true story .......

True Blood : Just gets awesomer and awesomer (and freakier and weirder but yet so addictive) by the second. The cast justs gets hotter too. Godric, Eric's maker? Oh you should google him. Haha.

Wizards Of Waverly Place MOVIE!

Jeng jeng jeng!
If you didn't know, yes, there is A movie.
The ending was awesome.
SO touching, ...... I cried (teared).
Selena Gomez rocks.
I'm starting to think of Justin as ...... cute. Hahaha.
If you wanna watch it on Youtube, you should go, like NOW, before it gets removed!
So GO! Watch it! NOW!
You know you want to........