Saturday, March 28, 2009

Yesterday, the storm was superly scary.

SCARY. You know the chairs and tables by the poolside flew out and now they're broken. The pretty tree by the poolside fell down. Down the hill (I'm on a hill. In a condo. On the 20th floor. Yea, 20th.) i couldn't count how many trees fell down. And there was a really bad jam. In fact, even in Gasing Indah, trees fell down. And a tree fell down on the roof of one of the buildings at the school in front of me. Anyways, the wind was sooooo strong, the windows and the doors were shaking. I'm on the 20th floor so i think i was kinda freaked out by the thunder and lightning which sound as if they were just right next to me. And i thought the building was gonna fall or something.

P/s : Come for Assunta's Leo IU next saturday!