Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Not again.

First of all, i would like to wish a :

Happy B
Happy Bi
Happy Bir
Happy Birt
Happy Birth
Happy Birthd
Happy Birthda
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday!


Last year, i was GOING to move to Taiwan. But in the end, i didn't. I was THIS close to moving there. Hah. I made my friends cry cos i seriously thought i was going to.

Now, my dad says oh so casually, oh hey, do you wanna live in Hong Kong?
And i'm like um, live there? As in MOVE there?
And he says, yea, for a few years.
And i smile and i say ok whatever.
In my head, i'm thinking :
WHAT?? ARE YOU SERIOUS? BUT BUT, i thought we were gonna stay here for another two years??? I THOUGHT YOU SAID THAT WE WERE NOT GOING ANYWHERE!! HAH. I suppose that was a joke. Seriously? Hong Kong? I am so tired of moving and moving and moving. Did you know that i've never like stayed at one place for like at least four years? Yup, not me. I've been moving since i came into this world. Move move move. I'm really tired of it until i'm like ok, whatever. Do what you want. It's not like my say doesn't mean anything anymore. (Fyi, this doesn't count as an emo post. Cos i'm not an emo.) And my dad said, oh they'll let me know by tonight. Whoopdido. Sure let's just MOVE to HONGKONG! Let's leave my friends and my life here so that i can start over! I'm not saying HongKong is a horrible place. It's just that i'm too tired of moving. I'm tired of saying goodbye to my friends (that's the hardest part btw).
Ooooh i sound mad there! Wahahaha.
Btw, i'm at home now. Not in school. :D
Look! A new song with Selena Gomez in it! And FTSK. I think it's the band ShernLyn's into? Yes? No?

My favourite BGT Semi Final performance. Totally awesome. It's like better than Susan Boyle cos hers this week was just disappointing. I prefer this to Flawless tho.