Saturday, May 16, 2009

Sad to say this but.

STAR TREK WAS WICKEDLY AWESOME! It was intense. The story was nice. The graphics were off the hook. And I thought it was better than X-Men.
There. I said it, i LIKED Star Trek. Geek alert. GEEK Alert!!
It was funny and hot and adventurous and what not.
MUST WATCH. Even if you haven't watched a single episode or know anything about Star Trek. Like me. The characters were hot btw! Sylar was Spock and he did a really good job as him. It's almost similar to Heroes, he doesn't fit in yadiyada. And OH MY CHRIS! Chris Pine was HAWT. Captain James Titerious Kirk. Oh wow.
Oh during the movie, i got a fever. How awesome. I was freezing in the cinema. And felt like crap the whole 6 hours i was there. Sigh..

I am getting addicted to RESTAURANT CITY. It's a game on Facebook. I'm planning to ditch Fish Wrangler. Soon. soonn. I need ONIONS! I AM FREAKING DESPERATE FOR ONIONS. Thanks to CCY, who gave his last onion to JET. And he's not even online now. Man, he was damn random today.

I'm watching MEN IN TUTUS tomorrow! Yippie!

Anyways, tata! I'm off to Aunty Sim's par-tay downstairs.