Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Baby cupid

I'm almost done with the second season of Grey's Anatomy.Geez.I'm such a crybaby.The DOG died.I cried.It was Meredith & Derek's dog.Ugh.So saddening la.Then Denny Duquette, that stupid patient Izzie just has to FALL for, gets a freaking heart.I wanted him to die man.Ooooh i sound harsh.But in the end he died after still getting the heart.And everyone cried, well, not EVERYONE.Just Izzie.AND me.Wow, this show is DARN dramatic, & sick too.I hate Callie Torres.She looks so ew.She SUCKS.

Haha just finsihed watching new epi for WOWP.Haha nicest and funniest episode SO far :)